… in my home country of Russia. I have trained my technical skills as a professional photographer in several photo courses. In the following years I took a lot of photos, experimented and took part in workshops with well-known photographers in Germany, Italy and Russia. To this day, it is important to me to continue my education so that I am always up to date with the latest technology and image processing. Since I speak fluent German, English and Russian, I particularly enjoy international weddings and destination weddings.

Als Fotografin betrachte ich meine Arbeit nicht nur als das Festhalten von Bildern, sondern als das Einfangen von einzigartigen Momenten und Emotionen, die für die Ewigkeit bestimmt sind.
Ob es um die perfekte Anordnung eines Kleides geht oder darum, eine entspannte Atmosphäre für das Shooting zu schaffen, meine Aufmerksamkeit liegt immer auf den feinen Nuancen, die ein Bild besonders machen.
Für diejenigen, die zum ersten Mal vor der Kamera stehen, gibt es keinen Grund zur Sorge. Mein Ziel ist es, eine entspannte Atmosphäre zu schaffen, in der die schönsten Momente natürlich und authentisch eingefangen werden können.

Besides my work, I spend a lot of time with my family. We love to travel. For example, we often drive through Europe in our mobile home, or sometimes fly to the sea to enjoy the fresh air and time with our two children.
Since becoming a mother myself, I have felt even more strongly how important it is to be able to experience moments of pregnancy, life as a family and the pictures of your baby in photos again and again.
Over the years I have collected many outfits to take you into my world of the extraordinary and special for the time of the shooting!
My shootings are always very relaxed, full of humor and laughter - after all, your pictures should also be full of joy and laughter.
I know beautiful places for photo shoots
I respond individually to your wishes
as an ex hobby model I can give very good tips for posing
I am strong in editing the pictures
I can work excellently with both natural light and flash
I take a lot of time for you.
Delicious meal
nature & hiking
Beautiful dresses
full of creative ideas
I never get bored
My many years of experience
I am in love
Interesting things about me